Our client

Cardiologist, Dr Matthew Burrage, first placed his financial matters in the hands of the Walshs team about 10 years ago when he was finishing medical school. Since then, his career has skyrocketed and he moved to the UK in 2018 to study for a PhD at the University of Oxford.

The opportunity

Like many Queensland-based doctors, Matt heard from friends and colleagues that Walshs were the experts in looking after the financial needs of professionals in the medical industry. Starting with his first tax return as an intern, Matt has turned to his advisors at Walshs many times over the years, whenever there is a new financial decision to be made or opportunity to explore. From helping with the purchase of a new car to arranging the mortgage for a house, helping with investments and supplying property market reports, Walshs have helped coordinate and advise all Matt’s major financial decisions as he has moved through his career.

Now, while living overseas, Matt has been reassured that the team is helping to take care of his finances back home.

The solution

Living so far from home could have made it more difficult to manage his finances while overseas, but Matt has found the Walshs team to be as easy as ever to keep in touch with. They are flexible with their communication, readily available to plan financial meetings via Skype, and happy to work around any time differences, consistently providing the expert advice that Matt has grown to trust.


Walshs have always taken the time to explain, in simple terms, my financial options. Their advice is thorough, and they have always gone the extra mile to be a trustworthy sounding board for all the significant financial decisions I’ve made over the last decade.” 

Dr Matthew Burrage 


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