Third-Party Authority
This is requested so your adviser can obtain superannuation, investment and/or insurance information prior to your meeting allowing the adviser to understand your whole financial situation.
Finametrica Risk Report
When choosing how best to invest your money, your Financial Adviser will consider your Finametrica Risk Report. The Finametrica Risk Report asks you several questions that help to determine the level of risk you are comfortable taking with your money. Our investment portfolios are tailored to your individual risk tolerance and is therefore an important consideration when setting up your investment portfolio.
Photo Identification
This can be in the form of a driving license, proof of age, or passport. We are required by law to have sighted your current ID and expiry date for anti-money and counter-terrorism financing rules
Fee Disclosure Statement (FDS)
Once you have established your investment account and commenced investing, you will be provided with an Annual Fee Disclosure Statement. Your Fee Disclosure Statement (FDS) will be sent to you after your annual review with your Financial Adviser. The FDS outlines all the advice fees collected in the 12 months prior to your meeting, and an estimate of the advice fees that will be collected in the 12 months after your meeting. Once you receive your Fee Disclosure Statement, you are required to ‘consent’ to our ongoing advice fees, both by signing the FDS, and providing your digital consent via your investment platform.
Finametrica Risk Report
When choosing how best to invest your money, your Financial Adviser will consider your Finametrica isk Report. The Finametrica Risk Report asks you several questions that help to determine the level of risk you are comfortable taking with your money. Our investment portfolios are tailored to your individual risk tolerance and is therefore an important consideration when setting up your investment portfolio.
Photo Identification
This can be in the form of a driving license, proof of age, or passport. We are required by law to have sighted your current ID and expiry date for anti-money and counter-terrorism financing rules.
Tax File Number (TFN)
Buying and selling investments has implications and must be included in your returns as it may form part of your taxable income. You are required to provide your TFN so that any money you make, or losses you experience (capital gains/capital losses, income via dividends/distributions) can be appropriately taxed at the correct marginal tax rate. Note: Walsh's will never request your TFN via email or text; it is important to never send this via email or text due to the potential for data breach
Bank Details
Our investment portfolios often have ongoing contributions on a fortnightly or monthly basis. Your ongoing contributions will be direct debited from your nominated bank account and be invested via the platform. In addition, linking a bank account to your investment platform allows us to transfer money back to you should you need to draw from your investments.
you advice.
Photo Identification
This can be in the form of a driving licence, proof of age, or passport. We are required by law to have a copy of your current ID for anti-money and counter-terrorism financing rules
Third-party Authority
This is requested so your adviser can review the superannuation contribution and any insurance cover held within the superannuation.
Insurance Change of Adviser
Walsh’s must be the adviser on your retail insurance policy to review your existing retail insurance cover and to make any changes should you proceed with our recommendations.
Most Recent Payslip
Our advice team requires this so that they can review your accrued leave entitlements to determine the insurance options available to you..
Income Tax Returns and Financial Statements
This is required by insurers when applying for Income Protection cover (the past two previous years) and is also used by our advice team to calculate your Income Protection sum insured
Employment Contract
If you have recently changed employer, we may request an employment contract from you which helps us determine your total remuneration package. This is then used by potential insurers to determine the level of income protection insurance is available to you
Medical Reports
To ensure that we are recommending the best insurance fit for you, we may occasionally require additional information such as medical reports to provide to potential insurers in our preassessment process. This provides insurers the information they need, to determine the terms in which they are willing to offer you insurance cover..
Employment Contract
This is requested if you have recently changed roles and/or employers. This will confirm your annual income to the bank, which is taken into account when calculating your maximum loan amount.
Most Recent Payslip
If you are not a sole trader and have an employer, this will confirm your current income and employer which the bank will use as verification to the information you have disclosed in your form.
Tax Return
This is collected to confirm past income as well as the consistency of income..
Notice of Assessment (NOA)
This confirms to the bank the amount of tax you have paid (and therefore your net income that can be used to make debt repayments).
Business Activity Statement (BAS)
This is a report that reports GST collected on sales, less GST paid on purchases, plus tax withheld on wages to employees and plus a tax instalment. This is relevant to any sole trader and generally lodged quarterly to the ATO.
Current Liability Statements (Home Loan, Car Loan, Margin Loan, Credit Card and Personal Loan)
This will provide the bank with an outlook on your current liabilities, current debt repayments, and what ability you have to take on more debt.