Structuring your home loan to get the best possible tax outcomes as a doctor is vital, considering the huge amounts you send to the tax man every year. At Walshs, we are specialists in not only securing market-leading home loans for doctors but in supporting your future wealth health. As such, we’ve created this handy
With the end of the financial year upon us, it’s a good time for rental property owners to look at different types of rental expenses and deductions. This can help to avoid common tax mistakes and save you time and money. In 2019–20, over 1.8 million Australians owned rental properties and claimed $38 billion in
In the lead up to the end of the financial year, we have put together our top tips to maximising your tax return for businesses as well as providing updates on single touch payroll reports and how global income should be declared in your tax return. When can your business stop STP reporting? The Australian