From 1 July 2016 investors have been able to benefit from the Early-Stage Innovation Company (ESIC) incentives for qualifying investments. The tax incentives available are: A non-refundable carry forward tax offset of up to $200,000 in any one income year Capital Gains Tax (CGT) exemption or reduction on eligible investments. Qualifying for the tax
Two recent court decisions have highlighted potential payroll tax risks for medical practices that operate under a shared services model. In New South Wales and Victoria, doctors and optometrists practising as independent sole traders have been deemed employees, allowing the relevant state bodies to issue backdated payroll tax assessments for up to five years and
We explain the tax implications of transferring money to Australia and why professional advice is so important. Australian tax law is a complex web of rules and reporting requirements that is constantly being tweaked and reshaped by the federal parliament. This makes it challenging to keep abreast of the ins and outs that keep you
Helping to Grow your Business The Queensland Government funded BGF program provides funding for small and medium-sized businesses who experience high-growth to assist with the purchasing of specialised equipment to further growth potential, increase production, and support employee expansion and higher economic returns. Small to medium sized business owners who are financially sound, and can
The announcement of the Federal Budget delivered on Tuesday night may have left you considering what the main outcomes and implications are to you and your business. The team at Walshs have put together a summary of the key considerations and take-aways from Tuesday’s Federal Budget announcement for you below. As always, we are here