In the world of investing, you may hear various levels of investors referred to as wholesale, sophisticated investors or retail investors in relation to a particular financial product or service. But what does that mean, how can you determine which you are and what are the benefits of each? In this article, Carolyn Duffy, Investment
The 2022-23 budget was handed down this week by Federal Treasurer Josh Frydenberg which encompassed the economic stability Australia is experiencing as it rebounds from the COVID-19 pandemic. Significant tax and productivity reforms were low on the agenda with focus mainly on key spending measures and continuing Australia’s post-pandemic, natural disaster and conflicted international environment
It’s Fringe Benefits Tax (FBT) time again and this FBT year will end on 31 March 2022. If you provide your employees with a benefit other than salary, wages, bonuses and superannuation, it’s likely you are providing Fringe Benefits to your employees. You could also be providing benefits under tax law, to employees’ family and
From 1 July 2016 investors have been able to benefit from the Early-Stage Innovation Company (ESIC) incentives for qualifying investments. The tax incentives available are: A non-refundable carry forward tax offset of up to $200,000 in any one income year Capital Gains Tax (CGT) exemption or reduction on eligible investments. Qualifying for the tax
The first 7 days of the recent weather event throughout South-East Queensland saw over 15,000 homes affected by flooding, which has sadly greatly increased as the weather cell continued to move south through New South Wales. QLD and NSW residents have experienced considerable losses of homes, cars, and personal items, with tax records among these
2021 was a busy year for the superannuation industry, and no doubt as we head to a federal election superannuation will again be a hot topic. A few weeks ago, Federal Parliament passed new legislation to be effective from 1 July 2022 which will provide additional attractive concessions for members of superannuation funds. We discuss these