In the lead up to the end of the financial year, we have put together our top tips to maximising your tax return for businesses as well as providing updates on single touch payroll reports and how global income should be declared in your tax return. When can your business stop STP reporting? The Australian
By Sharon Aguiar, Senior Accountant, Walshs The NSW and Victorian Office of State Revenue (OSR) have been actively engaging in payroll tax audits for medical and dental practices. The NSW OSR has conducted at least 20 audits in the last 18 months. The problem Broadly speaking, the NSW and Victorian OSRs have held the view
By Michael Walsh, CEO of Walshs Practice If you operate a Self-Managed Superannuation Fund (SMSF), you should be aware that there are compliance obligations you must meet and that non-compliant funds may be subject to ATO sanctions or penalties. An SMSF trustee who does not meet compliance requirements might be forced to undertake an education
By Michael Walsh, CEO of Walshs Practice If you’re an employer who has failed to make Superannuation Guarantee (SG) payments to your workers, you have until September 7 to apply for an amnesty. The amnesty is a one-off opportunity for employers to correct any payment mistakes and we are urging them to take advantage of
By Michael Walsh, CEO of Walshs For clients whose Self-Managed Superannuation Fund (SMSF) is in pension mode, it is important to remember that at least the minimum annual pension amount must be withdrawn from the Fund and paid to the members before 30 June, 2020. It is preferable for the pension withdrawals to be made in
By Michael Walsh, CEO of Walshs The Federal Government announced on 30 March, 2020, that it will introduce a business support package to help employers continue to employ their staff where the business has been affected by Coronavirus. The JobKeeper payment is designed to keep those currently employed in their jobs and legislation to approve it will
By Simon Farmer, Partner of Walshs From 31 March 2020, a raft of new changes around the design and pricing of Income Protection insurance (IP) will come into effect and it is essential those working in Queensland’s health sector know exactly what this means for them. The changes focus, in particular, on Agreed Value contracts